June 21, 2023

DOMO Smart Text

This tutorial video explains how to use smart text in Domo to enhance data literacy and create dynamic text boxes. Smart text allows users to insert metadata, such as data set information, filters, date ranges, and segments, into card titles or descriptions. It demonstrates how to add tables, summary numbers, images, and hyperlinks that auto-update with the data. The video highlights the importance of smart text in improving understanding and communication of data visualizations.

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DOMO New Features & Visuals

In this video, the presenter discusses new features and visuals in Domo, a data analytics platform. These features were introduced in the spring of 2023 and are unique because they are created using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS instead of the traditional Domo tools. The video showcases one of these visuals, a map displaying Starbucks locations with customizable markers. The presenter emphasizes that knowing the basics of JavaScript can enable users to create unique visuals, and having JavaScript or HTML experts in a company can lead to even more innovative visualizations.

DOMO Vs Tableau | Dashboard Comparison

In this video, the author compares two data visualization platforms, Domo and Tableau. They provide an overview of how Tableau works, emphasizing the creation of sheets and dashboards. The author highlights that Tableau restricts dashboard visuals to those created within the same book. They also point out that Domo allows for more flexibility by letting users add visuals from different data sets and pre-existing content. The author suggests that Domo has advantages in terms of ease of use and flexibility in creating cleaner and more professional-looking dashboards.

DOMO & Power BI | Dashboard Comparison

In this YouTube video, the presenter compares the process of building dashboards using Power BI and Domo. They highlight the similarities and differences between the two tools, demonstrating how Domo offers quicker and more streamlined options for dashboard creation compared to Power BI.

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